Concise Minutes - Health and Social Care Committee

Meeting Venue:

Remote via Zoom

Meeting date: Thursday, 13 January 2022

Meeting time: 09.30 - 14.20
This meeting can be viewed
on Senedd TV at:






Members of the Senedd:

Russell George MS (Chair)

Rhun ap Iorwerth MS

Gareth Davies MS

Mike Hedges MS

Jack Sargeant MS

Joyce Watson MS


Eluned Morgan MS, Minister for Health and Social Services

Julie Morgan MS, Deputy Minister for Social Services

Lynne Neagle MS, Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing

Judith Paget, Welsh Government

Claire Bennett, Welsh Government

Tracey Breheny, Welsh Government

Steve Elliot, Welsh Government

Albert Heaney, Welsh Government

Irfon Rees, Welsh Government

Sue Hill, Royal College of Surgeons of England

Jonathon Holmes, The King's Fund

Danielle Jefferies, The King's Fund

Committee Staff:

Helen Finlayson (Clerk)

Claire Morris (Second Clerk)

Lowri Jones (Deputy Clerk)

Amy Clifton (Researcher)

Dr Paul Worthington (Researcher)

Sarah Hatherley (Researcher)

Katie Wyatt (Legal Adviser)

Claire Thomas (Researcher)



1       Introductions, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest

1.1 The Chair welcomed Members to the meeting.



2       Welsh Government Draft Budget 2022-23: evidence session with the Minister for Health and Social Services, the Deputy Minister for Social Services and the Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing

2.1 The Committee received evidence from the Minister for Health and Social Services, the Deputy Minister for Social Services and the Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing.
2.2 The Chair congratulated Albert Heaney on being awarded the tile of Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) for services to social care in the New Year Honours List for 2022.



3       Paper(s) to note



3.1   Letter from Chair, Petitions Committee regarding Petition P-05-1045: To make shared-decision making and monthly mental health care-plan reviews a legal requirement

3.1 The Committee noted the letter.



3.2   Response from Chair to Chair, Petitions Committee regarding Petition P-05-1045: To make shared-decision making and monthly mental health care-plan reviews a legal requirement

3.2 The Committee noted the response.



3.3   Letter from the Chair to the Minister for Health and Social Services regarding waiting times

3.3 The Committee noted the letter.



3.4   Response from the Minister for Health and Social Services to the Chair regarding waiting times

3.4 The Committee noted the response.



3.5   Letter from the Minister for Health and Social Services to the Chair regarding the finalised provisional Common Frameworks for Organs, Tissues and Cells, and for Blood Safety and Quality

3.5 The Committee noted the letter.



3.6   Letter from the Minister for Health and Social Services to the Chair regarding the First Report on the Operationalisation of the Scheme for General Medical Practice Indemnity

3.6 The Committee noted the letter.



3.7   Follow-up letter from Chair, Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee to the Chair regarding the UK/Switzerland: Convention on social security coordination

3.7 The Committee noted the follow-up letter.



3.8   Letter from the First Minister to the Chair regarding the UK-wide COVID-19 Public Inquiry

3.8 The Committee noted the letter.

3.8 (a) Rhun ap Iorwerth noted the letter but asked if the Committee could discuss it during item 6. The Chair agreed.



3.9   Letter from the Chair to Emrys Elias, interim Chair, Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board regarding the post-appointment scrutiny session on 4 November 2021

3.9 The Committee noted the letter.



3.10 Response from Emrys Elias, interim Chair, Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board to the Chair regarding the post-appointment scrutiny session on 4 November 2021

3.10 The Committee noted the response.



3.11 Letter from the Chair to the Minister for Health and Social Services regarding the public appointments process

3.11 The Committee noted the letter.



3.12 Response from the Minister for Health and Social Services to the Chair regarding the public appointments process

3.12 The Committee noted the response.



3.13 Letter from Chair, Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee to Senedd Committee Chairs regarding the Inter-Institutional Relations Agreement between Senedd Cymru and the Welsh Government

3.13 The Committee noted the letter.



3.14 Letter from Health Education and Improvement Wales and Social Care Wales regarding follow-up questions following the evidence session on 4 November 2021

3.14 The Committee noted the letter.



3.15 Letter from Digital Health and Care Wales to the Chair regarding the health and social care workforce

3.15 The Committee noted the letter.



3.16 Letter from Unison to the Chair regarding the health and social care workforce

3.16 The Committee noted the letter.



3.17 Letter from the British Dental Association Wales to the Chair regarding the health and social care workforce

3.17 The Committee noted the letter.



3.18 Letter from the Royal College of Nursing Wales to the Chair regarding the health and social care workforce

3.18 The Committee noted the letter.



3.19 Letter from y Llywydd to Senedd Committee Chairs regarding the timetable for Senedd Committee Business

3.19 The Committee noted the letter.



4       Motion under Standing Order 17.42(ix) to resolve to exclude the public from items 5, 6, 7, and 9 of today's meeting

4.1 The Committee agreed the motion.



5       Welsh Government Draft Budget 2022-23: consideration of evidence

5.1 The Committee considered the evidence received and identified areas and recommendations for inclusion in the draft report.



6       Forward work programme

6.1 The Committee discussed which business to undertake on 10 March and agreed to return to the discussion at the next meeting.

6.2 The Committee agreed to return to the discussion on its work programme for the autumn term at a later date.
6.3 The Committee agreed to defer a decision on whether to consider the draft Terms of Reference for the UK COVID public inquiry until further information was available, and to send a holding response to the First Minister in the meantime.



7       Legislative Consent Memorandum for the Nationality and Borders Bill: consideration of approach

7.1     The Committee agreed its approach.

7.2     The Committee agreed that officials would speak separately to Members who wanted to suggest additional stakeholders from whom written evidence should be sought.



8       Impact of waiting times backlog on people who are waiting for diagnosis or treatment: evidence session with The Royal College of Surgeons of England and The King's Fund

8.1 The Committee received evidence from representatives of The King’s Fund and the Royal College of Surgeons of England.

8.2 Jonathon Holmes, Policy Adviser, The King’s Fund agreed to provide further information to the Committee on the range of likelihood that people living in more deprived areas in England would be waiting longer for treatment than people living in less deprived areas..

8.3 Sue Hill, Acting Director in Wales, Royal College of Surgeons of England agreed to provide details of the number of surgical job vacancies as a proportion of the surgical workforce in Wales and in England.



9       Impact of waiting times backlog on people who are waiting for diagnosis or treatment: consideration of evidence

9.1 The Committee considered the evidence received.





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